What Is It?



The Positive Post Project was born in 2016 out of a desire to send love and positivity straight to people’s doors when they need it the most. I’ve always been the sort of person who wants to connect with people, spread positivity, and just generally cheer people up. Back in 2016, I was struggling a lot with my health and was bed-bound a lot of the time. I know how lonely and scary it is to be in that place. I desperately wanted to help other people who needed a reminder that things were going to be okay. In early 2016, I was watching ‘Surprise, Surprise,’ and I heard about the wonderful work of Jodi (onemillionlovelyletters). Amid my happy tears, I said to my mom: “I want to do something like that!”

Subsequently, a few months later, I discovered the lettering community on instagram – essentially a bunch of wonderful people who help each other improve upon their lettering and calligraphy skills. I began teaching myself brush lettering and modern calligraphy, and started sending hand-lettered quotes out to my friends to remind them of how wonderful they are. And then I thought, why not take this further and see if anybody else would like a quote sent out to them, too? 

And so, The Positive Post Project was born!! (Aaaaand it’s free!)

Several years on, and I’ve taken many lettering courses, and built my skill level up a lot. I’m now an established lettering artist and illustrator, and run my own business (Paper Rainbeaus.) To this day, The Positive Post Project remains one of my greatest passions. I’ll still be doing this when I’m 102 years old 😉 



You can either request a quote for yourself or you can nominate somebody else to receive one (and you can even remain anonymous if you so wish.) You/ they will receive a unique, hand-lettered quote of your choice, made just for you/ them. You can choose whether you want the quote to be black and white, or you can specify which colour/s you’d like. All will be hand-lettered by me and sent for free! I should warn you, the waiting list is pretty long. But I work through them as quickly as I can, whilst also running my business.

Every single quote I letter is filled with love and positive energy, and each quote takes me several days overall. I pour my heart and soul into this. 

I’m happy to post internationally, but since I’m in the UK the post could take a little longer to reach you.

All quote requests are welcome, as long as they’re not mean! And your email address will only be used for me to hop into your inbox to check that you’ve received your Positive Post, and to check that there hasn’t been a change of address before I send yours out. 

Ready to make a request? Click here!


The Positive Post Project is a passion project founded and run by Paper Rainbeaus